1974 450SL Project
1974 Mercedes Benz 450SL Project
This 1974 450SL has been sitting for 4 years without being moved or even being started.
It is being loaded up to be shipped to me from Windsor Junction, Nova Scotia. And about to be brought back to life!
Keep checking back to see how it comes along.

After a 2 Weeks of waiting. The 450SL finally made its way to my shop in Oshawa.
So that I can do a full inspection of the car, to be able to see just what I have to work with and what it will need to bring the car back to life!
Now after 4 weeks of draining fluids (gas, oil, coolant brake fluid, power steering and transmission fluid) and flushing out everything. All new fluids have been added. The car is finally ready for new all brakes (Rotors and pads), Battery, Points, rotor, Spark plugs, and filters as well as new belts tires. Also when waiting for parts (as some are not as easy to find) the car has had a full cleanup as well a complete paint buff and wax.
You should never just throw new gas and a battery in a car that has sat for years and try and start it up!
Everything in the car is dried out and has been sitting without any lubrication on the cylinders or bearings.
Without changing fluids and priming the system, you can cause unwanted ware and internal damage!
It is ready to start.

Now that the 450SL is alive and on the road we can do a full shake down and put it through its paces to see what we will need to do next.

If you have any questions or suggestion feel free to contact us at Classics Oshawa!
We are always glad to hear from you!
More to come soon!